10 Best Employers in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Stone Creek Apartment Employers

We created a list of the 10 best employers in Waukesha, Wisconsin. After sifting through salary, company, and employee data, the following companies are Waukesha’s top overall businesses.

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    Generac Power Systems

    Generac is recognized as the go-to company during power outages. Founded in 1959, Generac was the first company to create an affordable standby generator with an engine to endure the stress. Today, Generac owns the market and sells more generators than all their competition combined.

    Generac brings in a yearly revenue of $2.5B and employs 6,500 people. If you graduated from a University of Wisconsin college, congratulations, 19.1% of Generac’s staff attended one too. If you want to “meet customers’ expectations and ensure their peace of mind,” send your resumé to Generac!

    Cardiac Science

    Cardiac Science was acquired (https://www.asahi-kasei.com/news/2019/e190828.html) by ZOLL, an Asahi Kasei company, on August 26, 2019. Cardiac Science makes many products, with automated external defibrillators (AEDs) being their most notable. Their mission is to make “accessible and simple to use” AEDs.

    Founded in 2016, the 100-person company’s annual revenue is $165M. The average employee makes $47,487 each year.

    HUSCO International

    Founded in 1946, HUSCO International, Inc designs and creates hydraulic and electrohydraulic control systems. With over 70 years of experience in the automotive and off-highway industry, HUSCO’s “intelligent risk-taking, high performance, and practical innovation” has led to creating “components that maximize fuel efficiency, driving performance, and vehicle safety.”

    HUSCO employs 1,000 people, where 22.9% are female and 24.4% are ethnic minorities. Employee retention is excellent at just over five and a half years. 80% of employees are members of the Republican Party, with the average HUSCO International employee taking home $44,666 each year. HUSCO’s yearly revenue is $405.4M.

    Cooper Power Systems

    Cooper Power Systems, founded in 1985, designs and produces electrical products. The company offers solutions to the manufacturing, mining, oil, renewable gas, and utility markets. Today, Cooper Power Systems, LLC is a subsidiary of Eaton Corporation, PLC.

    As a reputable Wisconsin business, 12.6% of employees attended University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. Cooper Power Systems is one of the 10 best employers in Waukesha, Wisconsin because it is incredibly competitive in its industry and location. As a medium-sized manufacturing company with 750 employees and yearly revenue of $1.6B, most employees make $55,782 per year.

    CIB Marine Bancshares

    A part of the Bank Holding industry, the 100 employees share a balanced political stance with 50% Democrats and 50% Republicans. The company is 34.8% female and 30.3% ethnic minorities. Most employees are happy and work with the company for five and a half years.

    As a small finance company, CIB Marine Bancshares annual revenue is $27.3M.

    La Casa de Esperanza

    As a non-profit, La Casa de Esperanza (The House of Esperanza) is a “community-based organization focusing on child and adult educational programming.” Established in 1966, La Casa de Esperanza hires many graduates from Carroll University. 17.5% of employees attended Carroll University.

    As a small non-profit based in Waukesha, Wisconsin with 100 employees, La Casa de Esperanza’s yearly revenue is $50.0M. Learn more about the history of La Casa de Esperanza and how History Builders have been “providing hope, help, and opportunity” for 56 years.

    R&R Insurance

    Founded in 1975, R&R Insurance offers coverage for all needs. In doing so, R&R has become “one of the largest independently owned insurance agencies in the region.” As one of the 10 best employers in Waukesha, Wisconsin, R&R Insurance offers employees “awesome benefits, career development, innovation, and performance management.”

    Recognized by Small Business Times, Milwaukee Business Journal, and Insurance Journal, R&R Insurance Agency is making waves for “business, personal, or health insurance needs.” With 350 employees and annual revenue of $27.0M, the average employee brings home $50,534 each year.

    American Transmission Co

    American Transmission Co (ATC) “owns and operates high-voltage electric transmission systems,” giving many Upper Midwest communities power. The company is relatively diverse, with 32.2% female and 31.5% ethnic minorities.

    The staff leans right, with 53% of employees claiming to be members of the Republican Party. Created in 2001, ATC employs 500 people with employee retention of about 4.3 years. The utility company brings in a yearly revenue of $25.0M.


    Created in 1984, SoftwareONE is a medium-sized manufacturing company with 500 employees and yearly revenue of $1.3B. SoftwareONE is “a leading global provider of end-to-end software and cloud technology solutions.” Clients access PyraCloud, SoftwareONE’s digital platform, allowing businesses to see custom analytics. Read more about the computer, office equipment, and software merchant wholesaler’s values, leadership, and history.

    Steinhafels Furniture

    Established in 1934, 12.0% of the company attended the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. As a small retail company with 200 employees, Steinhafels brings in a yearly revenue of $80.0M. Steinhafels is an employee-owned company that “empowers every associate as an employee-owner and gives them great pride in the success and growth of the company.”

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    About Stone Creek

    Find your home at Stone Creek Apartments in Waukesha, WI. Our community is perfectly located for those looking to live outside of the hustle and bustle of the city while maintaining an easy commute to and from work or school. Stone Creek Apartments are perfect for those looking for a cozy apartment home in a nice neighborhood with easy access to Interstate 94.

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